GI: Generalised interferometry

GI is a collection of Python codes that implement the Generalised Interferometry concepts introduced by Fichtner et al. (2016). It includes input files to reproduce figures in that paper.

  • GI is a research code package for the computation of inter-station correlations, effective forward models for correlations functions, and sensitivity kernels for wave field sources and Earth structure. It is written in Python.
  • GI is deliberately simplistic. It operates under the assumption that the Earth is two-dimensional, acoustic, homogeneous and infinitely extended. Thus, it is made to understand basic physics.
  • GI is not a black box. It does not perform any checks on the meaningfulness of the input parameters. GI is not optimised or paralellised at all. Some parts of the code package may be slow.
  • This documentation explains the input files of GI and the different code elements that may be used to compute correlation functions, sensitivity kernels, effective media, etc. Additional information is available in the form of numerous comments in the programme code itself.


GI can be downloaded via the following links:

   Python 2.7: (ZIP, 607 KB)

   Python 3.7: (ZIP, 286 KB)


If you use GI, please make proper reference to the following publication: 

Fichtner, A., Stehly, L., Ermert, L., Boehm, C., 2016. Generalised interferometry - I. Theory for inter-station correlations. Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggw420.

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